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Lab tour

Lab Tour

Watch the following video, which shows you how to use and navigate around The OpenScience Laboratory.

Download this video clip.Video player: openscience-labtour.mp4
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Video transcript

Home page

Each application in The OpenScience Laboratory is displayed on the homepage and has a recognisable image, a title, a short description and an indication of how long it should take you to work through the application and associated materials.

Coloured subject labels indicate which subjects the application is relevant to – for example, the application ‘Adipose tissue: virtual microscope’ contains Biology and Health science.

The circle or padlock symbol in the bottom-right hand corner of every application box is an availability flag – an ‘O’ indicates that it is open to the public; an open padlock is for items that are restricted but available to you; and a closed padlock for items that are not currently available to you.

At the top of the homepage we list your last visited application and the two most popular in any given week.

Application page

Clicking on any of the images will give you more details about what is involved. There is a fuller description, further guidance and links that get you started.

Popularity statistics are displayed for each application – the ‘Recent weeks’ graph shows the trend in usage of this experiment over the past four weeks and the current week. This graph is not a comparison with any other experiment, but only of how usage of this single experiment has changed over time. The right-hand 'Current week' ranking (e.g. #22/35) shows the popularity of this experiment, compared to all other experiments, during the current week.

Customising your view

It is possible to personalise your view by controlling what is displayed to you using the filter settings on the homepage. The numbers after each heading indicate how many applications are available in each category. For example, to display only applications relevant to Earth and Environment, you need to deselect the other subjects and press the ‘Update filter’ button.

You can also filter along study level, type of application and availability.