How accessible this website is
We strive to exceed current accessibility standards. However, we know some elements of Open University websites are not fully accessible:
Older legacy and archived material.
Some third-party content not created by The Open University.
Sites linked from Open University pages but not run by the Open University.
Some activities (for example some of those involving maps, charts, graphs, online-experiments, interactive activities and features).
Some content with specialised notations, such as mathematics, physics, chemistry and music.
Some content created in tutorials.
Older PDFS and Word documents may not be fully accessible to screen reader software.
The colour contrast for some text and some interface components (for example search boxes, check boxes) is not sufficient.
Some online forms are not set up correctly to include helpful direction for screen reader users.
We aim to provide accessible alternative content or activities where we can. For more information please visit What Support is Available and for more guidance please visit Studying on a Screen.